Your Greatest Power…
Your belief is your greatest power, so use it, change it, develop it, harness it.
What you believe about yourself determines who you become. What you believe, determines what you become. You are in charge of what you believe and what you believe about yourself can either make you, or break you. It’s up to you.
You’ve heard Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”. Your beliefs today will affect your tomorrow. Your beliefs will decide the rest of your life.
It’s much easier to have average beliefs and to stay average. It’s also much harder to push through your challenges and face the pain of discipline by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Stand out, proud and firm. Be strong, cool, loyal and kind.
Think big and believe by doing it, and then do it again. Believe it and then do it again…and again…and again.
And then you’ll become the best version of you.
How about just gifting yourself 4 minutes to sit back, view and listen to this short video. This is a favourite of our coach Tony, who with 30 years business experience knows first hand how important it is to believe in yourself. And he also knows the importance of reaching out to others from time to time for reminders of why you’re right to believe in yourself. Because it’s easy to forget when the going gets tough.